I felt really stupid sometimes. And I have a feeling that I am going to feel that way many times in the future no matter how much I study(even though it isn't much)
Anyway today was a great and exciting day. Oh, just to explain a bit, I am currently now in the 2nd rotation in Mount Sinai, Kidney and Pancreatic transplant. It was a great first 2 days. I have met the director of the transplant department, attended rounds, attended a liver recipient meeting, attended a lecture and watched 2 kidney transplant. Scrubbed in on one of them even. It was great.
Sometimes, it is not what you love doing makes you feel good/great but it is the people you meet on the way. So happen that I met my housemate's boyfriend whom I have spoken to previously on the transplant team as well. He was really, really nice and is a very, very enthusiastic student. Am really glad as he showed me around, told me what to do, and that I could give my numbers to the fellows so that they can call me if there's any procurements. I am really excited and can't wait to go for a procurement. This is the first time i met such an enthusiastic student and I definitely have a lot to learn from him
Also, another good news was that the resident I met today was really nice and really do give encouragement to me regarding the residency application. Turned out that I met quite a lot of people from general surgery.
I just really, really hope that I can get a position, and hope that I pass my CS, and get a way way better score for my CK and Step 3. *fingers crossed* wish me luck!
I will continue to be strong, always be upbeat and happy. and grateful of course.
Good to know that you are enjoying your posting in the states.
By the way, do the doctors there behave as dramatic as grey or house? haha!
Haha everything's good here.. I can't really determine that cause it seems that all the rotations I am in are 80% male. but the doctors are cool, and attendings want you to call them by their first name and you only call a person doctor when you don't know them at all..
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