Sunday, February 21, 2010


Today was a long busy day and also the last day that I am going to waste time putting another thought to the idiot who wasted all my years.

I never knew that I am so so so wrong all these years.

After the break up, and after knowing about the girlfriend and stuff, I was heartbroken but then again, i tried to be civil. I went and meet him to clarify stuff and even called once for a drink! He was the one asking to remain friends anyway.

Sure, lotsa people said I was desperate, but I just thought, I mean after 5 years, after a stupid online break up, you should think that ummm maybe a real breakup in person should be done? I mean, dude, I'm not even asking for a relationship again. Then again, it is probably karma.

The funniest part in this situation was, I was supposed to teach his brother violin today and miraculously he fetched his brother to my house for the class (Am pretty sure his mom forced him to). Even funnier was that, i was just opening the inside door, and zooommm the car flew off. I was like, wow, okay, after all this years, I didn't know the courage in that guy is as small as a mini pin stuck in a big body. Talk about being rude! First time I'm seeing a student's family member doing that.

Only one thing good came out from this time consuming ex relationship:
(1) I have more friends now (ex-bf's mom and ex-bf's brother)

The whole thing was just such a joke and a waste of time

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Crappy blog template

Hate my blog template. What happened to Emily Autumn??? GGAAHHHHH

Sunday, February 14, 2010


i can't believe i make myself stoop that low. How low can i go. I am such a blithering idiot man. I don't even have a reason to feel sad and yet i am feeling like a freakin sad person. SIGH

Happy Chinese New Year

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Grey's anatomy
be inspired to face the impossible. god i love this quote

Monday, February 8, 2010


will i ever stop feeling sad? everyday im just dragging this. i wish i could just concentrate on one thing and forget about the other. unfortunately that can only be a dream.

everyday i want to sleep more so that i'll dream of something happier to stop feeling sad but sometimes even this small wish cannot be fulfilled as i can't sleep

i am reminded of it every single time of the day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Claypot rice

I used to eat claypot rice with a certain someone very often about a year ago. There is this one particular place we like to go and we only eat the claypot rice from there. We always call before going to make sure we didn't have to wait long when we are there. I always ordered extra salted fish and he will always order an extra egg.

Today after the pedicure, I should have been a bit happier. Went for pedi with my sister and we decided to eat claypot rice. I called to ask for 2 claypot rice, one salted fish for my sister and one salted fish+egg for myself(there goes my diet for a week :'(. Anyway, the moment i ordered that, the auntie actually said, the egg boy is back ??!!! I had to tell her we broke up. :'(.

Another day, another rush of unhappiness.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have realized that I have been a rather impulsive person.

And that had landed me into several troubles.

Decision to pursue USMLE through and through had been rather impulsive, and had burnt a large hole in my pocket and my dad's pocket

Decision to do all sorts of nonsense in Bali had been impulsive. This had burned relationship i think.

Decision to take the bus all the way to Washington by myself had been impulsive too. This was one impulsiveness that didn't involve burning I think.

Decision to suddenly decide to go back to KL just to see skin doctor was impulsive too. That burned a large hole in my oil tank, touch n go card and purse

Decision to suddenly change my hair style and use a lot a lot of money had been really, really impulsive and had burn a rather big hole in my purse.

Decision to suddenly go learn aerial dancing has burnt a hole in my purse and burnt the cells in my arm muscles

Impulsiveness= purse becoming ashes.

I should go burn something more useful. Like my fat

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Not So Sad Weekend

I have been moping around, crying and feeling sad for a while now after knowing that my ex had a new gf.

Because of that, I am looking forward to do some new stuff. Trying to meet new people.

Because of that, I practically jumped at the chance of learning this new dance that I saw Michiko was going.(Michiko is my yoga teacher in Camp5, a climbing gym in One Utama). I joined without a single idea of what aerial tissue dance is all about.

I rushed back on Friday evening to attend the class. It's a 3 day class, 3 hours each. Class started with the usual warm up and stuff.

Then, the unbelievable and the unthinkable happened.

There were 2 tissues hanging(not the real tissue paper, but it's a type of fabric that was tied on the ceiling hanging). The teacher demonstrated what we were supposed to do. That was when my jaw dropped and I nearly dislocated my jaw.

You'll see why after watching the following video. suspense.

I am like, wtf. What have I gotten myself into?

1st day: I was not able to climb even a meter from the floor with the tissue. My back and hands hurt. The whole class involved in me actively watching other participants
2nd day: More interesting moves were being taught. Unfortunately, I have only improved 1 cm from yesterday
3rd day: My arms hurt, I felt sleepy, and I am getting ready to be an observer watching the amazing moves that I can't perform. Then, a miracle happened!!! I was just trying to climb, and I got till midway!!! I finally got it!! It was actually really simple and I didn't get it in the first place, hence i loose a lot of energy. but I am glad i am at least able to climb the tissue now even though I can't perform those amazing moves.
It was a great weekend.
Hope it cured my heart a little. I can feel day by day at least 1% of my heart is being cured.
Anyway, we weren't allowed to bring cameras, will try to upload some pics soon!