Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have realized that I have been a rather impulsive person.

And that had landed me into several troubles.

Decision to pursue USMLE through and through had been rather impulsive, and had burnt a large hole in my pocket and my dad's pocket

Decision to do all sorts of nonsense in Bali had been impulsive. This had burned relationship i think.

Decision to take the bus all the way to Washington by myself had been impulsive too. This was one impulsiveness that didn't involve burning I think.

Decision to suddenly decide to go back to KL just to see skin doctor was impulsive too. That burned a large hole in my oil tank, touch n go card and purse

Decision to suddenly change my hair style and use a lot a lot of money had been really, really impulsive and had burn a rather big hole in my purse.

Decision to suddenly go learn aerial dancing has burnt a hole in my purse and burnt the cells in my arm muscles

Impulsiveness= purse becoming ashes.

I should go burn something more useful. Like my fat

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