End of surgery...
Surgical rotation is over!! :'(. Am a bit unhappy.. I really enjoyed the surgical rotation, loved every minute of it and the pain in my calf and ache in my feet was PLEASURABLE! that just shows that, no matter how tired you are, if you are doing something you love, it is definitely worth it.
All in all, it was a great rotation. The only downside of it is when I hear people complaining endlessly how tired they are, how much sleep they lacked, how hungry and how much they need to pee. I just can't stand people complaining about stuff that everyone is going through. I mean, I am guilty of always complaining about stuff, but i just felt this is something I have chosen to do. I'll have to do it whether or not i like it. Why not just try to enjoy while you are at it rather than complaining endlessly about stuff?
Anyway, I learnt a lot and exams are over.:)
Of course, the pain from the break up is still there. Initially my dreams are all about the lifestyle I used to have, having breakfast together, going for movies. Every morning I woke up feeling happy, then after being awake for 5 seconds, I had to remind myself, we're not together anymore. Every corner I stand, I remembered the conversation we had, remembered what he said. Gosh we have been to almost every corner around the place!
Anyway, the dreams have been taking a good turn. I have been dreaming about us fighting. Hopefully I'll be able to move on to acceptance phase soon. Don't wanna spend more time brooding over this but i do know I need time, and there really isn't any need to rush and shut out everything at once.
Of course, ego boosters every now and then definitely won't hurt. There's always one everyday that really makes my day. Whether or not it's a true compliment, it always makes me happy. :D