New Year Resolution
Well technically right now, as a Malaysian, I should have made my resolutions 6 hours ago. Since I am now located in New York, I have decided to make the resolutions later hahah.
Supposed to be studying right now, am taking a short break to reflect upon the year 2009.
I would definitely say it was a great year, but I think 2010 would be even greater! Am looking forward to it!!
Of course, I am becoming older, and hopefully wiser.
New Year Resolution
1. Study smarter(duh it's such a typical nerd's resolution)
2. Increased my yoga practice time to 45 minutes per day
3. Try lead climbing this year!
4. Publish the research!
5. Get involved in another research!
6. Do my best in everything that I have set my mind on
7. Not feel sleepy while teaching violin
8. Not feel sleepy during class
9. Being single! free to go out on any dates!! muahahahahhaha
10. go iceskating!
10 resolutions for the 10th year after y25k.. that should be good enough? I should concentrate on fulfilling them