Thursday, January 21, 2010


I have just discovered that my ex has a new gf. The only ex that I have, the ex that I had been in a relationship in for 5 years. He broke up with me about 7 weeks ago.

Here i am under the impression that we're still in love but it is because of the distance, and also the zero future together that we broke up. Looks like I was very wrong.

Looks like I am not as strong as I thought as an ache in my heart and butterflies in my stomach started forming. I wanted to puke.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Low point

Have been sick for the past few days.. today I finally went out for some breakfast.(Ate too much..guilty again) DAMN. i can't believe I had turned into a person who worries about food that I consume! Sigh, I can't just continue eating knowing that I will not gain weight anymore, the sad part about being older but wiser.

Had a crying episode thinking about the past. This is what I have always wanted but I don't know why when i am browsing through memories of the past I can't help but shed tears. What the hell is wrong wit me? I hate being sick, thinking about a lot of nonsense and still having so much to do! One lesson to be learned- do not ever stay in Seremban during weekends. Cos I don't have anything to do, no students to teach, i feel restless and start thinking about a whole lot of nonsense.

The thing is, I don't think I will ever deserve to love anyone else or to be loved by anyone else cause i am just too selfish. My heart aches just thinking about it.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I hate to be sick. I am such a wuss.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The most traumatizing thing about being in New York
1. getting a big fat belly
2. weight increase in 5 kg, something that has never happened in the past 10 years!!!!GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year Resolution

Well technically right now, as a Malaysian, I should have made my resolutions 6 hours ago. Since I am now located in New York, I have decided to make the resolutions later hahah.

Supposed to be studying right now, am taking a short break to reflect upon the year 2009.
I would definitely say it was a great year, but I think 2010 would be even greater! Am looking forward to it!!

Of course, I am becoming older, and hopefully wiser.

New Year Resolution
1. Study smarter(duh it's such a typical nerd's resolution)
2. Increased my yoga practice time to 45 minutes per day
3. Try lead climbing this year!
4. Publish the research!
5. Get involved in another research!
6. Do my best in everything that I have set my mind on
7. Not feel sleepy while teaching violin
8. Not feel sleepy during class
9. Being single! free to go out on any dates!! muahahahahhaha
10. go iceskating!

10 resolutions for the 10th year after y25k.. that should be good enough? I should concentrate on fulfilling them