Sunday, May 10, 2009


why does my mom hate the fact so much that I am just merely going out breakfast with my boyfriend(currently away)'s mom and brothers?
Why? It's not like I am compromising my time with her. I went to the church with her to celebrate her mother's day. And mind you, I think I am the only daughter of some one there. I spent time with her, I did not do anything to reduce the time, and I would like to do what I want to do during my other time. Why is it so hard? It's even more stressful than all my final exams put together.

Why my student can't play the violin well? I have continuously drilled and drilled and what do I get? some off pitched song that is not even played in rhythm. I should just CHILL.

So much anger there. Please don't said you'll pray for me I will just vomit. Also

Why is the Christian God He? Why can't it be She?

the one that upset me most is my mom, the person whom i love most in this world, the fact that until now she does not see why

Just a small reminder, I am always grateful for what I have, a great mom, a great dad, great sis and brother, great life. It's just all this small things that make me so irritated and upset. Save me.

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