Friday, April 11, 2014

Despite all the pain he's given me, somehow, talking to him today again makes me remember why i liked him in the first place

Why can't i do what i'm supposed to do?

i am supposed to study but am playing candy crush and watching movies

Am supposed to be NOT CLINGY and NOT desperate

but somehow, i became that crazy woman.

when am i going to learn my lesson

today i found out something honest

and to be honest, I was relieved

and it was funny.

thinking about all the torments i put myself through

why the hell did i waste so much time?

seriously. its funny now that i think about it

Just glad to be friends now. gained so much insight.

And i honestly, don't have that kind of energy in me to hate anyone. Despite how badly I was treated.

Trust me, I know how bad it was.

I just took it as, a learning experience. Meeting the bad guys, then you'll know who the good guys are

Then again. Why do i fall for the bad ones?

I know. The thrill of him doing something nice or saying something nice, which is out of the ordinary for him

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