Gosh seems that I hadn't updated this blog for ages. Also, it seems that this blog only gets updated when I am having exam :/
Anyway, starting from after exams. Basically, than
k god luckily I passed my EOS 7. Really grateful and thankful for that.
Immediately after that, I went Bali with my family.. and I finally, finally learned how to surf. It is like, I paid RM 50 and the guy will teach and stand right next to me till I am able to stand on the board.
And this was the result :

falling off.. pic caught by my sister

Finally! The thrill of controlling the board with my feet. The thrill of people seeing me reaching the shore and jumping off. Can't describe it. I so have to go surfing again. Of course, I also injured my hand as I did a stupid thing by not handling the board well and it bang against me with the high wave in bali. :'(. Untill now still having pain in my metacarpals. Also, bruises everywhere on my knees and shin.
Other parts of bali are just simply indescribable with words. Pics available on FB.
Immediately after that, like a matter of 2 days, Ophthalmology( Eye) posting started. I was super duper confused with all the terms. And till now, I haven't properly sit down and study.
After that, comes the great MIMSC 2009(1st Malaysian International Medical Students' Conference). I was the subcommittee in Kajen's team.
Last thursday, we drove to Palace of the Golden Horses, the place we're staying throughout the conference. That night, we had this joint committee meeting and it only ended at 4 am. Sigh.
The next day, I got up at 7.45. Apparently C L woke me at 7.15 but I totally didn't know and woke at 7.45 with a start. THE BUS IS LEAVING AT 8 FOR THE KL TOUR! I just quickly got ready, had breakfast and ran down.
At the end, the bus left at 9. Some of the international delegates were late. Anyway, we visited Putrajaya, which was great for me cos i hadn't gone there before. After that, we went to the independence square, some batik place and the Royal Selangor pewter factor. After that, we went KLCC. By that time, it was already 3.30 pm and it was time to go back and get ready for the opening ceremony. Opening ceremony was held in Saloma restaurant. Again, photos will be uploaded in FB
The next day, was the scientific presentation where I was supposed to present my Wiki research paper. Which turned out really sucky i think. Aih, never mind, the experience was gained. Hopefully I learned my lesson.
That night was also the banquet dinner which Kajen has assigned me, LY and PF to organize. It was really cool, we got to use the walkie talkie and stuff. Anyway, i hoped everyone enjoyed the dinner. It was really great with the Lions dance and all the performance thanks to chester. Oh, and amazingly, I broke my new heels that night from running up and down with the high heels and cheongsam. and the worse, I had to perform with the violin on the stupid broken heels. I can't imagine how awkward i looked on stage. Hopefully the playing was ok.
After that, that night, we had to prepare the certificates for the participants to give to them the next day.
The next day was the workshop day.. which was also another rushed day. After the workshop and forum comes the closing ceremony. After that, it was the night tour around KL, which was kinda disappointing cos the tour guide just left us at bukit bintang to walk for 2 hours. :/. Nevertheless I had a really great time getting to know new people. Again, photos on FB heheh.
Sorry for such a long post
oi, u didnt pay RM50 for it ok? almost half was my money...u finished up ur rupiahs edi..rmbr? LOL....
Ish! i forgot such thing edi le
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