Accident and Emergency
I definitely love this posting. I just went on-call just now and did another suturing again! yay. It was a scalp laceration wound and blood spilled like a fountain, i think an artery was ruptured. Anyway, I asked permission to try to suture it(seems that I have a lot of luck with scalp lacerations) initially it was too superficial and later on the house officer who gave me a chance to suture continued it. I did one final suture at the end once the bleeding stopped. Oh and I also gave local analgesics. Sigh, I am still really not good at it. My hands were trembling even though this is like the 4th time I am doing suturing! I really should have better control over my hands.
It is now almost 1 am. And I have not completed half of my to-do list. Not to mention studying as well. View of my to-do list:
1. write letter to AAD and prof K to explain my absenteesim in Family Medicine Posting next year
2. Call my cfcs patient(which I totally forgot)
3. Check hostels available in New York for my stay after the elective and selective to prepare for step 2 CS. Sigh i really hope i have a free place to crash. I can't imagine how much the hostels are going to cost me
4. Determine how to write the research paper for publishing
5. Find the syllabus for the step 2 CS
6. Find books to use for step 2 CS
7. Print my plane ticket
8. Study for my elective and selectives
9. Study ophthalmology
10. Study emergency med
11. do poster. due this friday.
=.= 3 minutes elapsed after writing out this list.
I can't believe that I was convinced that I had to go scuba diving next week. and apparently I was supposed to relax. In Tioman
I can't believe I always put myself in such situation. It's like an almost impossible to-do list to complete all before this weekend.
I don't wanna bring any books to Tioman. I just wanna go there, relax, do more serious yoga, maybe explore more poses. and of course, learn diving.
Oh, forgot to mention that I went climbing last Sat and guess who I saw? Jacklyn Victor! Actually I already saw her a couple of weeks ago while climbing, and I think I kinda stared rudely till she noticed. Cos I weren't sure if she's really Jacklyn Victor. Anyway, I took a photo with her. Did I mention how much I love her voice and her songs. It's just incredible.