Friday, August 13, 2010


I've gotten a text message! :D
Missing you...

I am missing you very much.. but I can't text nor call, I can't receive any text nor any call..


Counting down to Sunday 4 pm. 42 hours more to go.


2 parts of the exams are over... two more big parts to go which are the OSCE(Objective Structural Clinical Examinations).

The next 5 days would be filled with practicing, practicing and practicing!

Today's exam was okay I guess.. totally screwed up the biostatistics question.. I did not have time at all to complete that. The others were just so-so okay I guess.. I just hope that it's enough to pass properly.

Am pretty excited for the exams to be over. I want to spend more time with my boyfriend, and can't wait to go for the holiday in Manila!! I can't stop thinking about how many places I am gonna go visit and how much shopping I'll do! Can't wait for the exams to be over honestly. I wanna go for pedicure, movies, bowling, karaoke, watch something from MPO, maybe some climbing, sight seeing, shopping and lazing around.. can't wait can't wait..

And I just saw him 9 hours ago, and I already miss him so much. Can't wait to see him on Sunday. Heheh. I should get back to studying for OSCE.